About Us

ZBYCode - You're place for independent website development. We offer the most competitive pricing compared to leading companies in the industry. Our designs always consist of fully-responsive mobile first websites so that all your visitors can get the best view of your brand. ZBYCode doesn't have limits, and is a pay-for-what-you-get company, meaning you aren't spending ridiculous amounts on hours. Like any company, you shouldn't take our word for it, take a look at some of our completed designs and developments.

Read Review TalkingZoneUK


5 Stars

Wow! Amazing website. ZBYCode made my company TalkingZoneUK an amazing website which had everything we needed. As a company we had tried other ways to develop our website including WordPress, ZBYCode made us a better website than we had made ourselves.

We will continue to use ZBYCode and I recommend you do too.

Previous Works


TalkingZoneUK's website is a website for teenagers, by teenagers, focusing on mental health and support. ZBYCode gave them exactly what they needed for a website - Easy to use and modern designs. TalkingZoneUK gave basic designs and colors and allowed ZBYCode to modify it to suit the website and the company best.

ZBYCode made my company TalkingZoneUK an amazing website which had everything we needed.

TalkingZoneUK Preview

Beep Beep Trucks

Beep Beep Trucks is a gaming comunity for the simulation games Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. This site is intended to be professional and playful at the same time, presenting as a real-life trucking company, whilst also making it clear it's a game. This website was designed to request using the color scheme provided, and a dark-theme only site was requested here. This site is also equipped with external API connections and a drivers hub.

Beep Beep Trucks' website has been exactly what I needed at the price I needed it.

Beep Beep Trucks Preview


Beep Beep Trucks Jackson's Dog Walking TalkingZoneUK

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